What is Garage Door Jamp?

Garage doors are automated machines that escape sensors and electricity. This sounds very technical, but really it means anything and everything can affect the function of your doors, from dust and dirt to insects and even the weather . Even the incorrect switch can make a difference to your garage door jammed. Remote Control Is […]
How do remote garage doors work?

Well, remote garage doors consist of transmitters that transmit radio signals of a particular frequency which is received by the receivers. It generates a new code using an encoder When the transmitter sends a code. The receiver, after receiving a correct code, uses the same encoder with the same original to generate a new code. […]
Why does my garage door Open with remote but not close with it?

There is a problem with safety sensors. They are probably missing align. They are usually mounted at the bottom of your garage door tracks. Make sure nothing is in the way and they point directly at each other. Each safety sensor has a small light. When they are correctly aligned both lights will be on. […]
Important Tips When Considering a Garage Door Repair Company?

If you recently purchased a car, its security is not guaranteed if you just leave it outside your home. You should consider building a garage to protect your worthy investment. If you already have a garage and do not have a garage door, it is important you consider installing one so as to ensure maximum […]